New website launched

The NSW Attorney General Gabrielle Upton and Minister for Indigenous Affairs Leslie Williams today launched the new and improved Indigenous Justice Clearinghouse website.

Ms Upton said the website provides a free and central source for exclusive research, information and reports.

“Since 2006 the IJC has been a one-stop shop online for Indigenous justice policy makers, practitioners and researchers in Australia and New Zealand,” she said.

“The new website has been completely redesigned to simplify user navigation, ensuring they can find the latest information and data easily at the click of a button.”

Ms Williams said the wealth of information on the new website will help government develop informed Aboriginal justice policies.

“The research on the website is invaluable in guiding policymakers in the right direction,” Mrs Williams said.

The IJC has over 750 resources covering a range of topics from court initiatives to support Indigenous offenders, victims and witnesses to alcohol management reforms and programs. A further 100 publications will be added to the site every year.

Over 25,000 visitors use the website every year, and that number is expected to increase significantly over the next 12 months with the launch of the new site.

The IJC also manages a small research program, commissioning experts to publish up to six research briefs or papers annually, which are also available on the website.

The IJC is a joint project between the Law, Crime and Community Safety Council (LCCSC) and the Australian Institute of Criminology and is hosted by NSW Justice.

The LCCSC involves ministers from the Commonwealth, States and Territories, and New Zealand, responsible for law and justice, police and emergency management.

Talia Katz | Attorney General | 0437 083 770
Lema Samander | Minister Williams | 0438 529 955