This study is an initiative of the Australian Government aimed at collecting longitudinal data that will help in the development of better outcomes for Indigenous children. One of the first […]
This study is an initiative of the Australian Government aimed at collecting longitudinal data that will help in the development of better outcomes for Indigenous children. One of the first […]
Resources Mar,2009
In May 2008 the Government established an 11-member national council which was tasked was to provide the Government with advice on the development of an evidence-based national plan of action […]
In this third annual report on closing the gap in Indigenous disadvantage, the Government states that its agenda is driven by three important imperatives: to overcome decades of under-investment in […]
Shows some progress on targets to reduce indigenous disadvantage: with improved access to pre-schools for children in remote communities, better results for indigenous students in year 12 and a decrease […]
The Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children (also known as LSIC and Footprints in Time) study collects important information about the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, covering areas […]
The Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children (also known as LSIC and Footprints in Time) study collects important information about the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, covering areas […]
As a longitudinal study, Footprints in Time provides a unique opportunity to follow the development of a group of Indigenous children and to examine the factors that contribute to their […]
Resources Mar,2009
In May 2008 the Government established an 11-member National Council to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children which was tasked was to provide the Government with advice on the […]