Council of Australian Governments

This report provides estimates of government expenditure across expenditure categories, mapped to the Council of Australian Government’s National Indigenous Reform Agreement building blocks. When combined with other information, the estimates […]

This report provides estimates of government expenditure across expenditure categories, mapped to the Council of Australian Government’s National Indigenous Reform Agreement building blocks. When combined with other information, the estimates […]

This report provides estimates of government expenditure across expenditure categories, mapped to the Council of Australian Government’s National Indigenous Reform Agreement building blocks. When combined with other information, the estimates […]

Australia’s children deserve a safe, healthy and happy childhood, and must be able to grow up nourished and supported in loving and caring environments. Over recent years the reported levels […]

The Council of Australian Governments endorsed the ‘National framework for protecting Australia’s children: protecting children is everyone’s business, 2009-2020’ on 30 April 2009. The national framework will operate through a […]