Author | Cook, Roslyn; McNamara, Joe |
Date | 2006 |
Source/Publisher | Indigenous Law Centre, University of New South Wales |
Link(s) | http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/ILB/2006/10.html |
Subjects | Bail |
This article reports on the trend in western New South Wales that sees young Indigenous people accused of an offence being granted bail on the condition that they relocate to a regional town, such as Orange. A representative from the Wiradjuri Aboriginal Legal Service in Cowra discusses his concerns. He suggests that while the purpose of these bail orders is presumably to remove the young people from those who may influence their behaviour, they are being sent to a new place, often without the provision of appropriate care and supervision, and are faced with similar temptations to offend.
This document has been sourced from the Indigenous Law Bulletin, previously known as the Aboriginal Law Bulletin, database published on Austlii (http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/IndigLawB/). AustLII advises that it is not the copyright owner of the source documents published on AustLII and is not able to give permission for reproduction of those source documents (refer copyright policy disclaimer dated October 2010). Queries about copyright should be referred to the publisher - the Indigenous Law Centre and the University of New South Wales.