The Foundational Action Plan 2024–2026 is the first of three action plans to deliver on the commitments under Better Justice Together.
It is a commitment underpinned by the Better Justice Together focus areas, identified through community consultation and engagement across remote and discrete, regional, and urban communities. It is a commitment to work together to develop and embed strong and accountable partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Related ItemsWe recognise and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of Queensland and as the Traditional Custodians of our precious land and waters. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present. We recognise and celebrate the unique and continuing position of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our history, culture and future, and acknowledge their ongoing strength, resilience and wisdom. We are working to translate this recognition into fair, safe and inclusive practices, policies and services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. To Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Queensland, we extend a special thank you for sharing your stories and insights to assist in shaping Better Justice Together through your collective voices. We are grateful for the knowledge and experiences shared to contribute to improved justice outcomes and a safer community for all Queenslanders.
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