Author | Holland, Christopher |
Date | Feb, 2015 |
Source/Publisher | The Close the Gap Campaign Steering Committee |
Link(s) | http://www.humanrights.gov.au/sites/default/files/document/publication/CTG_progress_and_priorities_report_2015.pdf |
Subjects | Closing the Gap |
The Closing the Gap Steering Committee, which includes the Human Rights Commission and Oxfam, produces an annual ‘shadow’ report representing its assessment of Australia?s and the Federal Government?s progress against the Council of Australian Government?s (COAG?s) Closing the Gap Targets for health and life expectancy equality, and the commitments in the Close the Gap Statement of Intent. Key recommendations from the report include: the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health measures survey findings are used to better target chronic conditions in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population; the Australian Government continues to lead the COAG Closing the gap strategy; and the Australian Government restores the National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Committee.
Related ItemsClosing the gap : Prime Minister's report 2015. Australian Government. 2015. See separate IJC record.
The copyright for this resource belongs to the Close the Gap Campaign Steering Committee for Indigenous Health Equality. As stated in the body of the resource: This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ? NonCommercial ? ShareAlike 2.5 Australia License. To view a copy of this license, visit: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by-nc-sa/2.5/au