Evaluation of the Aboriginal Over-representation Strategy : Final Report


The Aboriginal Over-Representation Strategic Plan (AORSP) was released in September 2001. The aim of the AORSP is to decrease the number of Aboriginal young people under the supervision of the Department of Juvenile Justice, particularly the number of Aboriginal young people in custody. The Department of Juvenile Justice acknowledged at the time that the Strategic Plan represented the first attempt at a coordinated strategic initiative to reduce over-representation of Indigenous young people. The Department is at the backend of the processes which bring young people into the juvenile justice system. Other arms of government including welfare, education, police and courts play a significant role in whether a young person becomes a client of the Department of Juvenile Justice. It is also the case that legislative changes such as those relating to bail can have a significant impact on client numbers. Other factors such as unemployment and lack of community infrastructure are also outside of the Department’s direct influence. However, it is also the case that the Department can place itself as an important advocate and major stakeholder in attempting to find whole-of-government solutions to the problem of Indigenous juvenile over-representation. Fifteen specific outcomes are identified in the AORSP. This report represents the final evaluation of the AORSP.

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