Inquiry into service provision to the Bourke and Brewarrina communities: A special report to Parliament under section 31 of the Ombudsman Act 1974


The New South Wales’ Ombudsman findings and recommendations following an examination of the concerns raised by the Bourke and Brewarrina Aboriginal Community Working Parties about service delivery to vulnerable children and their families in these communities is examined. It is recognized that many of the needs and challenges found within the Bourke and Brewarrina communities are similar to those faced by many other communities. It is therefore intended that the concerns raised may be relevant to informing the progression and development of service delivery to vulnerable children and families in other communities. The background to the report is offered, including the findings which stipulate that the following areas need to be addressed: providing more competent and well-targeted services; strengthening in the Aboriginal service sector; achieving integrated and effective service provision; and rationalising governance and accountability managements. How these goals can be achieved is further deliberated with several more recommendations being made.

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