Joint Select Committee on Cyber-Safety committee activities : inquiry into issues surrounding cyber-safety for indigenous Australians


On 20 March 2013 the Committee adopted an inquiry into the issues surrounding cyber-safety for Indigenous Australians. This inquiry followed the Committee’s previous inquiries into Cyber-Safety and the Young and Cybersafety for Senior Australians. Following completion of those inquiries, the Committee believed that issues surrounding cyber-safety for Indigenous Australians warranted further, more in-depth investigation. Therefore, under paragraph (1)(b) of its Resolution of Appointment, the Committee adopted the inquiry which is the subject of this report. A brief background to Indigenous Information and Communications Technology (ICT) use follows in Chapter 2 of this report. Chapter 3 then discusses the risks and rewards of digital telephony for Indigenous Australians and Chapter 4 makes concluding comments and suggestions for further inquiry in the 44th Parliament. (Author extract, edited).

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