Men's places literature review


This report provides detail from a review of the literature regarding the prevention of and response to family violence with a focus on engaging Aboriginal men in remote communities. The literature review has been derived at the request of Department of Children and Families in the Northern Territory Australia to inform efforts in violence protection and response with a focus on men. A search of the peer-reviewed and grey literature was conducted to report on the practice and programs related to community-focused activity for men aimed at reducing family violence before it occurs and community focused activity aimed at providing effective responses to men involved in family violence. The literature review focuses on activity that has been successful in remote Australian communities and in remote indigenous communities of other countries. The literature review highlights the need to work with Aboriginal men for their own healing as people that experience violence and for the benefit of family and community where men perpetrate violence. In Aboriginal communities, it is more than likely that abusive men will remain in the lives of their partners for a range of reasons. The review also highlights the limitations of mainstream law and order approaches to reducing family violence in Aboriginal communities, but also describes the lack of a solid evidence base for community based approaches to preventing and responding to violence. The review describes approaches for engaging men in service delivery, and the need to incorporate models which accurately represent men’s attitudes to violence, health, service delivery and behaviour change.