Northern Territory Closing the Gap Annual Report 2022


This report provides important data to enable the NT Government and our partners to work together to address long-standing inequities faced by Aboriginal people. This second year of reporting shows gains in the focus areas of housing, land and sea, and truth and healing. However, data across other areas, particularly for safety and justice, demonstrates a need for continued collaboration to achieve better outcomes.

The Closing the Gap NT Implementation Plan (2021-22) (Implementation Plan 1) had a deliberate focus on the four priority reform areas of the National Agreement, and identified up to 46 new actions and/or existing actions that were being reformed to align with Closing the Gap. Highlights from Implementation Plan 1 include:
• establishing the Northern Territory Executive Council on Aboriginal Affairs (NTECAA) and the NT Closing the Gap Partnership Working Group.
• amending the Northern Territory Cabinet Submission template to include a Closing the Gap Impact Statement and associated guidelines.
• contributing to the development of four national Sector Strengthening Plans for health, early childhood care and development, housing and disability.
• allocating the first year of funding from the NT Government’s contribution to the national virtual funding pool to build and strengthen the Aboriginal community-controlled sector.
• collaborating with community, successfully nominating Maningrida as a national Closing the Gap Place-based Partnership and community data project site.
• developing and launching the NT Government Aboriginal Economic Participation Framework.
• developing and launching the NT Government Aboriginal Procurement Policy.
• developing a Reconciliation Action Plan for the Local Government Association of the NT.
• developing an online Closing the Gap training module that is publicly available and accessible on the Office of Aboriginal Affairs website.

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