

The Law Enforcement Conduct Commission issued a final report in its long-running investigation about the NSW Police Force’s use of the Suspect Targeting Management Plan (STMP) on children and young […]

The 2006 New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey (NZCASS) is the first to enable a detailed analysis of the Maori experience of crime victimisation. Because the NZCASS focuses on victims […]

Authors: Cooke, Michael

The main players involved in the administration of criminal justice in respect of Indigenous people of a non-English speaking background effectively combine to prop up a dysfunctional system where unrecognised […]

This is the Hansard transcript of the reply by the Leader of the Opposition, Brendan Nelson, to the historic apology proffered by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on behalf of the […]

Authors: King, Michael

Therapeutic jurisprudence asserts that court processes potentially impact participant wellbeing. Court processes developed with a view to promoting wellbeing or at least limiting any negative impact upon wellbeing can advance […]

Publishers: Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 18(1), pp170-178

A research team recently completed an exercise to estimate relative rates of Indigenous Family Violence (IFV). The research was conducted on a national scale and utilised only quantitative information. This […]

Authors: Douglas, Heather

In many Australian States and Territories the provocation defence has recently been the subject of law reform. In the Northern Territory, since the 1950s judgements of Kriewaldt J, Aboriginal people’s […]

Authors: Cunneen, Chris

It is argued that there are many points of critique to current federal policies in relation to Indigenous people in Australia. In this opinion piece, the author focuses on one […]

Under its Law and Justice Program, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services (ATSIS) provides legal aid to Indigenous Australians, as well as preventative and diversionary services, support for the resolution […]