

This evaluation reviewed the effectiveness of, and community attitudes towards, increased restrictions on the availability of alcohol in Tennant Creek, NT. Estimates of alcohol consumption, admissions data from the local […]

This is a publication of the proceedings from a roundtable on Better Indigenous Policies: The Role of Evaluation at Old Parliament House in Canberra held on 22-23 October 2012. The […]

The Aboriginal Justice Advisory Council is leading the development of an Aboriginal Justice Plan for New South Wales, which will aim to reduce the over representation of Aboriginal people coming […]

This resource proposes a whole of government strategy to drive solutions to Australia’s high Aboriginal imprisonment rates and high levels of experienced violence. It proposes principles and policy responses in […]

Authors: Kirby, Tony
Publishers: The Lancet 379

After bravely ushering in alcohol sale restrictions proposed by its residents, a remote Western Australian community is tackling the long-term effects of alcohol misuse. Fitzroy Crossing, an isolated town with […]

This report presents reviews the effectiveness of ADVOs in protecting victims of domestic violence. Included in the report is a brief overview of current research on the protective effectiveness of […]

This report, undertaken by the Crime and Misconduct Commission, describes the key findings of the Offending Persons Across the Lifecourse (OPAL) project which examines the risks and needs of Queensland’s […]

The Aboriginal Child Sexual Assault Taskforce was established in 2003. ACSAT’s primary aims for this report were to examine child sexual assault in Aboriginal communities, review how government and non-government […]

Indigenous Australians make up almost one-quarter of Australia’s prison population, and the issues experienced by Indigenous offenders are significant and complex. The strong links between substance misuse and Indigenous incarceration […]

Authors: Weber, Leanne

The appointment of liaison officers to act as bridges to vulnerable or hard to reach communities is a standard application of a community policing philosophy, and one that would seem […]