
This brief outlines the Constitutional Reform and Indigenous Peoples project, which will examine the history of constitutional development relating to Indigenous people since Federation, evaluate the current position of Indigenous […]

It is gradually being recognised by both Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians that getting contemporary Indigenous governance right is fundamental to improving Indigenous well-being and generating sustained socioeconomic development. This collection […]

Authors: , ,

In this special edition of the Australian Indigenous Law Review, the range of Australian jurisdictions’ law and practice relating to coronial recommendations are considered, with a particular focus on Indigenous […]

This report is the final of three evaluation reports developed as part of an evaluation of the County Koori Court pilot program undertaken from 2009 to 2011. It analyses both […]

Authors: Siegel, Natalie

Aboriginal Legal Service defence lawyers face uniquely challenging conditions when the Magistrates Court intermittently circuits remote Aboriginal communities and isolated towns in Northern Australia. Based on the findings of research […]

Publishers: University of NSW

During a three-month period in 2021 (July-September) financial penalties totalling $45,900,180 were imposed on NSW residents by NSW Police for alleged breaches of Ministerial orders made pursuant to the Public […]

This chapter seeks to provide indicators of Indigenous women’s experiences in the Western Australian legal system, in order to highlight various aspects of disadvantage. Where possible, comparative data are also […]

This paper provides a brief overview of current policies, strategies and projects relating to crime prevention among Indigenous communities in Australia, Canada, the United States and New Zealand. The report […]


This Handbook was published in 1990 to strengthen and draw on the special abilities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities. It recognises and encourages community beliefs, customs and way […]

Authors: Gamble, Seranie

This article briefly describes a number of alternative courts for sentencing Indigenous offenders which have been established throughout Australia. The initiatives described are circle sentencing in New South Wales; Koori […]