
It seems clear that child sexual assault is chronically under reported in Indigenous communities and that prosecution levels are low. This article examines the prevalence of child sexual assault in […]


This paper provides a foundational framework outlining the clear need to reform the imprisonment of women in Australia. It seeks to highlight the key issues and emphasise the urgent need […]

This project focused on the experiences of Aboriginal young people with and around alcohol in the south and south-east metropolitan area of Perth. The purpose of the study was to […]

This report studies population areas in every state and territory of Australia to identify pockets of location-based disadvantage and the unique web of challenges faced by these communities. It builds […]

This report, commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, identifies and examines relevant Australian data sources in terms of their capacity to answer key questions about substance […]

In South Hedland (regional Western Australia), 51 police detainees were interviewed and compared with a sample of 209 Perth (metropolitan) detainees. In the Pilbara a significantly larger percentage of the […]

Authors: Wicks, Alisa

Discusses the human rights implications of the ‘media gag’ imposed on Lex Wotton for his part in the Palm Island riots after the death of Mulrunji.

This report provides a national profile of diversionary processes at different stages of the juvenile justice system across Australia. The study involved site visits to each state and territory, and […]

This report provides a national profile of mentoring programs for young offenders or young people at risk of offending, based on an audit and review of 21 projects. The report […]

Previous research by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research has shown that the cost-effectiveness of the NSW Drug Court could be increased through the early identification of those […]