
Changes to the Australian family law system in 2006 were designed to reduce separations, encourage greater involvement by both parents in children’s lives, protect children from violence and abuse, reduce […]

Publishers: Department of Justice

The Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA) is a formal partnership between the Victorian Government and the Koori community, which has been operating since June 2000 working to improve justice outcomes […]

The Aboriginal Over-Representation Strategic Plan (AORSP) was released in September 2001. The aim of the AORSP is to decrease the number of Aboriginal young people under the supervision of the […]

This report documents the findings of an evaluation of the Trial Dry Area in Adelaide, which was introduced in a highly politicised context involving polarised opinions. The evaluation finds, among […]

Under the 2009 Closing the Gap in the Northern Territory National Partnership Agreement, a two year trial (ended 30 June 2013) of sworn Community Engagement Police Officers (CEPOs) in eight […]

The Queensland Community Justice Group (CJG) Program is funded by the Department of Justice and Attorney General to develop justice strategies, support and reduce Indigenous contact with the criminal justice […]

This is an evaluation of the implementation of Rangatahi Courts, which are culturally specific youth courts in New Zealand informed by Koori courts. The evaluation found that cultural relevance and […]

In order to combat the increasingly adverse impacts of alcohol consumption on Groote Eylandt and Bickerton Island every person in the region, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, must hold a permit to […]

This directory was published in 2006 to improve access to civil law services for Aboriginal people in NSW and the ACT. In early 2008, an evaluation project was set up […]

Authors: Chan, Carrie

This evaluation of the New South Wales Police Service’s Aboriginal Strategic Plan considers a number of key indicators and output data. The first section of the report evaluates and assesses […]