
The Law and Justice Advocacy Development (LJAD) program is a small grant program administered by the Attorney-General’s Department (AGD). The program supports the advancement of the legal rights of Indigenous […]

The Lismore Magistrates Early Referral into Treatment (MERIT) Pilot Program, a pre-plea early court intervention, was planned by the NSW Government in response to recommendations from the Drug Summit held […]

This evaluation considers the first three years of operation of the Juvenile Pre-Court Diversion Scheme the Aboriginal Interpreter Service (AIS) in the Northern Territory. The programs are funded jointly by […]

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Agreement was developed by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Board (ATSIAB) and the Queensland Government. It was signed by the Premier, […]

Publishers: Queensland Parliament

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Agreement was developed by theAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Board (ATSIAB) and the Queensland Government, and was signed in December 2000. The […]

Indigenous sentencing courts have been established in most Australian jurisdictions to reduce high rates of reoffending among Indigenous offenders and to provide a more culturally appropriate criminal justice process that […]

This report presents key findings and recommendations developed as part of an independent evaluation of Queensland’s Remote Justices of the Peace (Magistrates Court) Program (JP Court program), conducted by researchers […]

Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service (FVPLS) Victoria provides legal services to Aboriginal victims of family violence and sexual assault, advocates for legal and policy reform and conducts a […]

Evaluations of the Perth Drug Court Pilot Project : Final Report

Indigenous women experience discrimination in a number of different ways and in different places. Laws, policies and state practices discriminate against Indigenous women in ways that undermine their roles, values […]