
This bulletin presents the first set of national indicators for prisoners’ health in Australia. The indicators are one outcome of the National Prisoner Health Information Development project, and have been […]

Publishers: Indigenous Law Centre

The issue of appropriate legal and social supports is critical to the question of Indigenous overrepresentation in the criminal justice system. This article discusses this relationship, arguing that the overwhelming […]

This report details the findings of an inquiry by the Select Committee on Youth Suicides in the Northern Territory into the high rate of youth suicide in the Northern Territory […]

This report outlines the findings of a review of Correctional Services Canada’s progress in meeting its strategic plans and obligations pertaining to the Aboriginal offending population in certain key areas. […]

Family violence mars the lives of a very large number of Indigenous Australians, helping to effectively disable many communities and deny future generations a basic chance for health, happiness and […]

Whilst sexual assault and child abuse within the Northern Territory Aboriginal communities receives the most attention from the media and from government programs, it is the lower level-type offending that […]

The objective of the audit was to assess the administrative effectiveness of FaHCSIA’s management of the GBM initiative, and the extent to which the initiative has contributed to improvements in […]


This chapter describes programs and services developed by the Queensland Government to focus on the causes of crime in Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal communities. The initiatives include the Torres […]

Publishers: NSW Government

This is the New South Wales Government’s response to the Noetic Group’s ‘Strategic review of the New South Wales juvenile justice system’ (2010). The Government acknowledges the review’s finding that […]

The Government’s response sets out where action has already been taken against specific recommendations of the ‘Doing time – time for doing’ report (the Report) and provides an indication of […]