
This chapter provides an overview of issues facing Indigenous women in corrections. It presents a statistical overview of incarceration and recidivism rates for Indigenous women on a national and state […]

The overrepresentation of Aboriginal young people in the criminal justice system is an ongoing social problem. In 2005, Aboriginal young people accounted for 52 percent of 10 to 17 year […]

Authors: , , ,

High rates of suicidal behaviours among Indigenous Australians have been documented. Justice-involved individuals are also at a higher risk for engaging in suicidal behaviours. This study sought to ascertain the […]

The Family Relationships Commission (FRC), a project of the Cape York Welfare Reform, holds conferences with individual community members who are welfare recipients and who have been identified as failing […]

Authors: Edney, Richard

A 1996 amendment to the Canadian Criminal Code aimed to reduce the over representation of Indigenous persons in prison, by requiring judicial officers to take Aboriginality into account in the […]

This paper focuses on the inability of the legal system to adequately address Indigenous domestic and family violence issues. Three key areas of focus to improve issues for Indigenous people […]

Authors: Jackamos, Andrew

These are the PowerPoint slides used as the basis of a conference paper presented at the ‘Cultural healing in criminal justice service delivery: an identification of best practice and innovation […]


The wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is perceived holistically and encompasses the mental, physical, cultural and spiritual health of Indigenous people. This view of health considers the […]

This report deals with the small proportion of family violence incidents that become visible to the family law system. The study began following the 2006 reforms to the Family Law […]

This report responds to the Attorney-General’s request that the Family Law Council (Council) consider the extent to which the family law system meets the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait […]