
While several key contributing factors to illegal activity have been identified and frequently studied, this article identifies mental health/illness, intellectual disability (ID) and Aboriginal status as factors that need further […]

Indigenous Australian females are under-represented in the Australian labour force and in employment. According to the population census of 2006, 49% of Indigenous females were in the labour force compared […]

All Australian Governments agree that customary law in no way justifies, authorises or requires violence or sexual abuse against women and children. This media release announces that the Commonwealth is […]

This report is the first of two reports into the efficiency and effectiveness of prisoner education, training and employment strategies. Its focus is prison employment activities and prison industries, and […]

This resource is a collection of papers  from the international Indigenous TJ+ research conference held at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in October 2014, which […]

Authors: Pritchard, Sarah

This paper provides an overview of international human rights standards relevant to mandatory sentencing, which include various provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on […]

Authors: Heske, Caroline

Aboriginal interpreters in the criminal justice system perform a demanding, thankless, even dangerous job. They are essential to justice for Aboriginal victims and defendants alike, but their scarcity impedes efforts […]

Indigenous people repeatedly state that they do not want white people to tell their stories for them, but within Australia’s legal system, where non-Indigenous lawyers are in the majority, it […]

The Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) commissioned the Allen Consulting Group to produce this report which takes a systems-based approach to child protection by examining the factors […]


Aboriginal people are over-represented in Victorian prisons and have poorer health than people in the general community. This investigation examines the provision of healthcare for Aboriginal people in Victorian prisons. […]