
This report investigates the implications of hearing impairment among the Indigenous prisoners in Northern Territory Correctional Services. It was conducted in response to the Hear us: enquiry into hearing health […]

An investigation into hearing impairment among Indigenous prisoners in the Victorian correctional system was commissioned by Corrections Victoria. This study tested the hearing status of 109 Victorian Indigenous prisoners at […]

Authors: Siegel, Natalie,

Based on field research conducted throughout remote Aboriginal communities, this article evaluates the Bush Court system operating throughout the Northern Territory and Western Australia. The article examines features that differentiate […]


In September 2018, the Queensland Government asked the Commission to undertake an inquiry into imprisonment and recidivism in Queensland. The Inquiry has been commissioned in response to concerns about increases […]

On 20 March 2013 the Committee adopted an inquiry into the issues surrounding cyber-safety for Indigenous Australians. This inquiry followed the Committee’s previous inquiries into Cyber-Safety and the Young and […]

Publishers: Queensland Government

Just Futures (This Strategy) aims to improve safety in Queensland’s Indigenous communities and to reduce the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as victims and offenders and in […]

Authors: Cunneen, Chris

Arising from the long term reform process set in motion by the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, many jurisdictions in Australia have established Indigenous Justice Agreements. While IJAs […]

Authors: McGlade, Hannah

For a number of years, there have been many efforts by Indigenous women to establish effective and appropriate responses to family violence and to child sexual assault. The criminal justice […]

Authors: Douglas, Heather

Justice Martin Kriewaldt, a judge of the Northern Territory Supreme Court from 1951 to 1960, frequently struggled with the question of how to understand and distinguish Aboriginal people in relation […]

This report was commissioned by the South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) to examine the systemic factors contributing to the continuing over-representation of Aboriginal young people in the South […]