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From late March 2021 until the end of April 2021, SNAICC – National Voice for our Children conducted a series of national consultations to guide the co-design of the successor […]

The National Indigenous Law and Justice Framework was developed by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) as a national approach to address serious and complex issues that exist for Indigenous […]


The resource profiles examples of projects and programs which are addressing the goals of the National Indigenous Law and Justice Framework 2009-2015. Prepared by the Standing Council on Law and […]

Authors: Boersig, John

These are the PowerPoint slides used as the basis of a conference paper presented at the ‘Cultural healing in criminal justice service delivery: an identification of best practice and innovation […]


This National Plan is a commitment by the Australian Government to a country free of gender-based violence – where all people live free from fear and violence and are safe […]

Authors: McGlade, Hannah

This paper concerns the need to find new solutions to enduring problems experienced by Aboriginal victims and communities and the place of restorative justice. Using a literature review of recent […]

Sexual assault of children has long-term devastating consequences for those who have experienced it, as well as their families. The preparation of a whole-of-government plan has been prompted by concerns […]

Publishers: New South Wales Law Reform Commission, Report, 133

This report finds that a new, simplified Bail Act is required. The report was made pursuant to a referral by the Attorney General. In highlighting the need to simplify the […]

Ngaripirliga’ajirri’ is the Tiwi name given to an early intervention program for Tiwi children of primary school age, based on the Exploring Together program. This is the final evaluation report […]

Authors: Walsh, Tamara

The aim of this project was to investigate the extent to which people living in poverty interact with, and are impacted by, the workings of the criminal justice system in […]