Policing cannabis and other illicit substances in remote Indigenous Australian communities


This short bulletin notes that there are significantly higher rates of cannabis use in remote Indigenous communities than in the general Australian population. Key statistics and links to other useful resources are provided.

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This publication was originally published on the website of the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC). Copyright belongs to the NCPIC. The NCPIC website contains a variety of copyright material. Some material is owned by others (clearly indicated) and yet other material is in the public domain. Except for material which is unambiguously and unarguably in the public domain, only material owned by the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC) and so indicated, may be copied, provided that textual and graphical content are not altered and that the source is acknowledged. NCPIC reserves the right to revoke that permission at any time. Permission is not given for any commercial use or sale of this material. No other material anywhere on this website may be copied (except as legally allowed for private use and study) or further disseminated without the express and written permission of the legal holder of that copyright. While the NCPIC has attempted to make the information on this server as accurate as possible, the information on this Web server is for personal and/or educational use only and is provided in good faith without any express or implied warranty. Queries about copyright should be referred to the NCPIC directly.