Victorian Government Aboriginal Affairs Report 2022


The purpose of the Victorian Government Aboriginal Affairs Report (Report) is for the Victorian Government to annually report on progress against the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018 – 2025 (VAAF), the Self-Determination Reform Framework (SDRF), the National Agreement on Closing the Gap (National Agreement). and the Victorian Closing the Gap Implementation Plan 2021-2025 (Implementation Plan). The Report is an outcomes measurement and accountability tool that provides valuable information about progress and challenges that still need to be addressed.

The VAAF and the Victorian Closing the Gap Implementation Plan have been extended until June 2025 to allow time for ongoing consultation with First Peoples stakeholders to self-determine next
steps in the development of a new framework in the context of Treaty.

The VAAF is the guiding framework in Aboriginal affairs and the Report outlines progress towards achieving the vision of the VAAF:

‘that all Aboriginal Victorian people, families and communities are safe, resilient, thriving and living culturally rich lives’.

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©State of Victoria, July 2023.