Children and Young People

This report details the outcomes of a project to help develop prevention and intervention methods for sexually exploited children and youth, particularly Aboriginal children and youth. The report below was […]

Authors: Calma, Tom

This report provides an investigation of early intervention and diversionary practices aimed at preventing offending behaviour in Indigenous young people with a cognitive disability and/or a mental health problem. Specifically, […]

It has been well-documented that Indigenous young people are over-represented in the youth justice system. In Australia, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander young people are over-represented at all stages of […]

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This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast […]


This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast […]


This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast […]

While this is an older report it remains a key reference point. It identifies numerous risk factors for Indigenous youth and their contact with the legal system in all forms. […]

Child sexual assault in Indigenous communities has previously been identified as a significant problem. This bulletin analyses recorded crime data in New South Wales over the period 2003 to 2007. […]

This is the first report of a research project on experiences of Indigenous victims of sexual violence in the criminal justice system. In this phase, the project examines the way […]

In the Northern Territory the rate of Indigenous child removal is very low when compared to the rates for Indigenous children in other States and Territories, and only marginally higher […]