Children and Young People


The Yoorrook for Justice report is the culmination of Yoorrook’s year-long inquiry into Victoria’s child protection and criminal justice systems. It details extensive systemic injustice, racism, discriminatory laws and policy […]

This is the third national statistical report on young people in Australia. Using a set of key indicators of health and wellbeing of young people, this report brings together national […]

This report is the fourth in a series of national statistical reports on young people aged 12-24 years, produced by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. It provides the […]

Publishers: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Data Linkage Series, 24

Between 1 July 2013 and 30 June 2017, young Indigenous Australians aged 10–17 were 17 times as likely as their non-Indigenous counterparts to have been in both the child protection […]

In Central Australia, youth programs have addressed volatile substance misuse and, more recently, issues associated with crime rates, health and emotional wellbeing, cultural renewal, educational outcomes and ‘socialising’. This paper […]

Wadeye is one of the largest Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory. Over the past decade, the community has attracted much negative media attention because of the amount of violence […]