
This bulletin presents the first set of national indicators for prisoners’ health in Australia. The indicators are one outcome of the National Prisoner Health Information Development project, and have been […]

This report outlines the findings of a review of Correctional Services Canada’s progress in meeting its strategic plans and obligations pertaining to the Aboriginal offending population in certain key areas. […]


This report seeks to raise awareness of, and calls for action to address, the disproportionate rates of Indigenous incarceration across Australia. Indigenous Australians are dramatically over-represented in the criminal justice […]

Fifteen years ago the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody drew attention to the fact that the rate of imprisonment of Indigenous Australians was 13 times higher than the […]

Indigenous Australians are imprisoned at the highest rate of any people in the world (Anthony, 2017) and at a rate 16 times higher than non-Indigenous Australians (Australian Bureau of Statistics, […]

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This report is the first of two reports into the efficiency and effectiveness of prisoner education, training and employment strategies. Its focus is prison employment activities and prison industries, and […]

This report investigates the implications of hearing impairment among the Indigenous prisoners in Northern Territory Correctional Services. It was conducted in response to the Hear us: enquiry into hearing health […]

An investigation into hearing impairment among Indigenous prisoners in the Victorian correctional system was commissioned by Corrections Victoria. This study tested the hearing status of 109 Victorian Indigenous prisoners at […]


In September 2018, the Queensland Government asked the Commission to undertake an inquiry into imprisonment and recidivism in Queensland. The Inquiry has been commissioned in response to concerns about increases […]


This research was commissioned as part of the Federal Government’s “Breaking the Cycle” initiative which aimed to address the impact of alcohol and drug abuse among Indigenous people living in […]