
This study measures the rate of re-offending on parole in NSW, identifies the predictors of both general and violent offending on parole and describes the types of offences committed on […]


Aboriginal people are overrepresented throughout the NSW criminal justice system, making up 24 per cent of its adult prisoners, and 52 per cent of juvenile detainees, despite being just 2.9 […]

This project aims to identify whether there are patterns of offending and particular demographic characteristics that are linked to recidivism among the population of Indigenous males imprisoned for violent offences, […]

The rate of female imprisonment in Western Australia is increasing at more than twice the rate of male imprisonment, and 40% of the women are Aboriginal. The inspection of Bandyup […]

The physical facilities and service delivery models of the Boronia Pre-release Centre for Women were explicitly designed around a women-centred approach to corrections. This inspection report finds that it has […]

This report of an unannounced inspection of Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison (WA), which is one of four “Aboriginal prisons” in Western Australia, finds the prison to be a distressing place, […]

The Mahi Tahi Trust works with prison inmates and their whanau (family), helping them to discover and recover traditional Maori principles, values and disciplines. The work is centred on four […]

An industry roundtable to identify research priorities in the areas of improving Aboriginal prisoner health and reducing recidivism was held by the Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health in November […]

Authors: Robinson, David

This chapter considers the issue of segregation in Australian prisons. It examines relevant legislation, policy and practices in state and territory correctional systems and evaluates them by reference to international […]

This Brief examines whether programs designed to treat sex offenders in Australia and New Zealand are effective in reducing sexual recidivism. The review of the evaluation findings indicates that the […]

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