Courts and sentencing

This resource is a collection of papers  from the international Indigenous TJ+ research conference held at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in October 2014, which […]

Authors: Pritchard, Sarah

This paper provides an overview of international human rights standards relevant to mandatory sentencing, which include various provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on […]

Authors: Heske, Caroline

Aboriginal interpreters in the criminal justice system perform a demanding, thankless, even dangerous job. They are essential to justice for Aboriginal victims and defendants alike, but their scarcity impedes efforts […]

Authors: Siegel, Natalie,

Based on field research conducted throughout remote Aboriginal communities, this article evaluates the Bush Court system operating throughout the Northern Territory and Western Australia. The article examines features that differentiate […]

Authors: Douglas, Heather

Justice Martin Kriewaldt, a judge of the Northern Territory Supreme Court from 1951 to 1960, frequently struggled with the question of how to understand and distinguish Aboriginal people in relation […]

Authors: Kirby, Rudolph

The Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement of 2002 committed the government to reducing Aboriginal contact with the criminal justice system, partly through the introduction of Koori courts as a part of […]

Authors: Gottlieb, Karen

This paper oulines lessons learned from the experiences of four tribal wellness courts in the United States: the Hualapai in Peach Springs, Arizona who had both juvenile and adult wellness […]

Authors: Matruglio, Tania

The Magistrates Early Referral into Treatment (MERIT) program is a New South Wales court-based scheme targeting adult defendants appearing before a participating Local Court who have a demonstrable illicit drug […]

The Magistrates Early Referral into Treatment (MERIT) program is a New South Wales court-based scheme targeting adult defendants appearing before a participating Local Court who have a demonstrable illicit drug […]

Authors: Cunneen, Chris

This comment sets out the specific areas of conflict between mandatory sentencing and key human rights standards and provides a summary of criticism of mandatory sentencing by key United Nations […]