Family violence

A free service initiated by the Magistrates’ Court has been established in Victoria to support Koori men and women involved with family violence matters in the court system. The pilot […]

This report provides detail from a review of the literature regarding the prevention of and response to family violence with a focus on engaging Aboriginal men in remote communities. The […]

In 2008 the Victorian Government launched a ten year plan to address Indigenous family violence. This paper critically reflects on the status of this plan two year after its launch. […]


This National Plan is a commitment by the Australian Government to a country free of gender-based violence – where all people live free from fear and violence and are safe […]

Authors: Willis, Matthew
Publishers: Australian Institute of Criminology, Trends and Issues, 405

Violent crime statistics drawn from police data do not show the large amount of violent crime and victimisation that is never disclosed to police. Within this ‘dark figure of crime’ […]

The Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland (the Taskforce) was established in 2014 to define the domestic and family violence landscape in Queensland, and make recommendations to […]

Authors: NSW Health

The strategy sets out a model of care that will guide the implementation of specific actions by local health districts, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, and other non-government service providers. […]


This plan provides strategic direction and sets out focus areas for action across the continuum of prevention, early intervention, response, recovery and healing from domestic and family violence. It also […]


This Outcomes Framework interprets the vision of the National Plan. It paves the way for the next 10 years, to achieve our goal, where Australia is a country in which […]

The Koori Family Violence Police Protocols project in Victoria is driven by Victoria Police and the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service, and is currently being piloted in Mildura. […]