Family violence

Authors: Langton, Marcia

This essay highlights the political pressure and media coverage that culminated in the Commonwealth government’s intervention in Indigenous issues in the Northern Territory in 2007. In it, Langton examines the […]

The objective of this study was to identify individual and household factors associated with violence among Australian Indigenous women and dependent children. Univariate and multivariate analysis of data from the […]

The Victorian Government endorses the findings of the Final Report of the Victorian Indigenous Family Violence Task Force, which outlined a three stage process to develop and implement an Indigenous […]

This report is the second publication from the research project “An exploration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healing programs that respond to domestic and family violence and sexual assault”. […]


The unique experience of family violence for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people calls for culturally aware and community-led healing programs. This research report distils ‘what works’ to support and […]

Authors: Thompson, Robyn

Controversial issues are raised in this conference, but are not new to people living in Aboriginal communities where violence and sexual abuse is, for many, a regular occurrence. Comment throughout […]

Authors: Blagg, Harry

This report sets out the framework for a domestic violence prevention initiative specifically targeted towards Indigenous adolescents, their families and communities. It is suited to rural towns with a large […]

Authors: Cox, Dorinda

The publicity given recently to allegations of sexual assault of women in Indigenous communities in Australia has highlighted the urgent need for culturally appropriate services for the survivors. The author […]