Government policy

This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health, […]

This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health, […]

From May to September 2009, the Australian Government conducted extensive consultations with Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory about future directions for the Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER). In its […]

The Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FAHCSIA) contracted CIRCA to review the engagement and communication strategy for the NTER redesign consultations, and to observe a number […]

The NSW Attorney General’s Department has undertaken a statutory review of the Young Offenders Act 1997(NSW), which is required to be reviewed every three years. This report brings together the […]

Publishers: NSW Ombudsman

This report outlines the findings and recommendations from the NSW Ombudsman’s audit of the implementation of the NSW Interagency Plan to Tackle Child Sexual Assault in Aboriginal Communities. The Interagency […]

The findings and recommendations of a body of Indigenous scholarship which indicated that violence and child sexual abuse had long existed within Indigenous communities, was reinforced through the release of […]

Authors: Putt, Judy

First established in 2006 in Alice Springs, the Substance Abuse Intelligence Desk (SAID) has expanded over the past five years to include Dog Operation Units (DOUs) and funding for additional […]

The Indigenous Expenditure Report contains estimates of the levels and patterns of government expenditure on services relating to Indigenous Australians in 2008-09. This chapter presents estimates of expenditure that relate […]

The Senate Select Committee on Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities was established in March 2008 and is required to report to the Senate twice yearly until the end of the […]