
Authors: Balgi, Teena

This interview with Winsome Matthews, chairperson of the New South Wales Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee, focuses on the implementation of the Committee’s new Aboriginal Justice Plan. The Plan involves a […]

The suicide rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for the period 2001-2010 were twice that of non-Indigenous Australians (ABS, 2012). The high rates of suicide among Aboriginal and […]

In March 2021, the Australian Human Rights Commission released a proposal for a national antiracism framework. This was in response to community calls for national action after heightened experiences of […]

Sexual assault of children has long-term devastating consequences for those who have experienced it, as well as their families. The preparation of a whole-of-government plan has been prompted by concerns […]

Publishers: New South Wales Law Reform Commission, Report, 133

This report finds that a new, simplified Bail Act is required. The report was made pursuant to a referral by the Attorney General. In highlighting the need to simplify the […]

The Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland (the Taskforce) was established on 10 September 2014 to define the domestic and family violence landscape in Queensland, and make […]

This document sets out the NSW Aboriginal Justice Plan for 2004-2014, which aims to reduce the over representation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system and to make Aboriginal […]


This report delves into the increasing over-representation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system in NSW. It forms part of a response of a request by the Attorney General […]

This report has been prepared to guide the delivery of better services to Indigenous people in the State and to measure the impact of these services over time. It compiles […]

This is the third Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage report, prepared at the request of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG). It provides indicators of Indigenous disadvantage, with a focus on areas […]