
The Council of Australian Governments endorsed the ‘National framework for protecting Australia’s children: protecting children is everyone’s business, 2009-2020’ on 30 April 2009. The national framework will operate through a […]


Aboriginal overrepresentation in the criminal justice system in NSW is a significant problem. There are many challenges that contribute to Aboriginal overrepresentation and there aren’t any simple solutions. A significant […]

Authors: Roth, Lenny

This report examines a range of NSW Government programs aimed at reducing adult reoffending, including programs specifically targeting Aboriginal offenders. These include court-based interventions, alternative custodial sentencing options, prison and […]

In July 2003, the Queensland Premier referred some specific complaints of abuse of children in foster care to the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) for investigation. The CMC approached these […]

The Melbourne Metropolitan Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (RAJAC) wants to see fewer Koories coming into contact with the justice system and to improve communication and treatment when they do […]


This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast […]


This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast […]

As part of the inquiry conducted by the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland which was established in 2014, focus groups were undertaken to better understand community […]

The overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system has long been a concern. Research has shown levels of substance use to be high among Indigenous offenders. The link […]

Authors: Strang, Heather

This report provides an overview of restorative justice programs in Australia. While a wide range of programs may be broadly labeled ‘restorative’, the report mainly focuses on programs involving meetings […]