This paper explores the complex and never-ending dialectic between equality and difference in Australian Indigenous affairs. It begins with examples from debates over the inclusion of Aboriginal people in the […]
This paper explores the complex and never-ending dialectic between equality and difference in Australian Indigenous affairs. It begins with examples from debates over the inclusion of Aboriginal people in the […]
This publication contains experimental estimates and projections of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) population of Australia and the states and territories for 30 June 1991 to 30 June […]
This report is the third and final in a series of reports emerging from fieldwork exploring factors that impact on rates of crime in six communities in NSW with significant […]
There are notable differences in the Local Court data on crime rates between different Aboriginal communities in NSW. Despite this, there is a lack of qualitative research on the factors […]
This publication describes a framework developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in conjunction with stakeholders, to measure the wellbeing of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The […]
Each edition of ‘Overcoming Indigenous disadvantage’ is shaped and informed by feedback received, and updated as new evidence and data emerges. This consultation report provides a summary of suggestions and […]
Resources Dec,2010
The objective of the audit was to assess the administrative effectiveness of FaHCSIA’s management of the GBM initiative, and the extent to which the initiative has contributed to improvements in […]
Resources Oct,2011
This e-brief provides a review of Australian and international studies on the relationship between Indigenous lives and cultural attachment and related socio-economic outcomes. Using statistical information on language and culture […]